Table 2

Prevalence of a positive rapid test for syphilis by socio-demographic and other characteristics among female sex workers (FSWs) recruited by respondent-driven sampling (RDS) and PLACE in Liuzhou

%95% CI%95% CI
Total including test refusers576161
 Rapid test positive8.005.9 to to 34.8
 Rapid test negative85.579.9 to 89.676.065.2 to 86.8
 Refused test6.53.6 to 9.70.0
FSWs tested530161
 All tested8.5NA24.013.2 to 34.8
 Age 15–242.80.4 to 5.923.98.7 to 39.1
 Age ≥2513.06.8 to to 40.0
 Never married4.91.7 to 8.025.912.1 to 39.8
 0–9 partners in past 4 weeks6.11.3 to 12.923.63.7 to 43.6
 More than 10 partners in past 4 weeks9.85.1 to 15.320.37.0 to 33.5
 Condom used during last sex4.42.1 to 7.323.812.2 to 35.4
 Solicited in urban district8.24.7 to to 31.5
 Solicited in Liuzhou counties26.73.1 to 48.432.717.4 to 47.9
 Solicited out of Liuzhou4.90.0 to 8.927.814.5 to 41.1
Venues where solicited in past 6 months:
 Outdoors71.245.0 to to 100
 Telephone/internet12.46.2 to to 16.5
 Karaoke TV, karaoke4.10.3 to 13.820.40.6 to 40.1
 Hair salon2.10.0 to 6.530.612.7 to 48.5
 Massage4.21.4 to to 36.7
  • RDS total (n=530) reflects the seven seeds and 46 refusals excluded from the initial 583 respondents. It is not possible to estimate the CIs for some RDS-II estimates.

  • NA, not available; PLACE, Priorities for Local AIDS Control Efforts.