Table 1

Wild-Type and antimicrobial resistance-conferring mutations in 23S rRNA and parC genes in Mycoplasma genitalium positive specimens from the general British population

23S rRNA geneNo. (n=56)% (95% confidence intervals)
Wild-type (S)4783.9 (72.2 to 91.3)
Mutation detected (R)916.1 (8.6 to 27.8)
 A2058G 7
 A2059C 1
 A2059G 1
parC geneNo. (n=61)% (95% confidence intervals)
Wild-type (S)*5996.7 (88.9 to 99.1)
Mutation detected (R)23.3 (0.9 to 11.2)
 D87N 1
 D87Y 1
  • *includes isolates with wild-type sequence (n=56) and synonymous mutations (n=4).

  • R, resistant; S, susceptible.